Nebraska Elite Volleyball, owners and operators of the Union Bank & Trust Sports Complex in Elkhorn, are planning to build a new facility on the southwest corner of 180th & West Maple Road. The 175,000 sq. ft. facility would have 12 volleyball courts, six basketball courts convertible to 36 pickleball courts, and two indoor sand volleyball courts plus training rooms and meeting rooms.
UBT Sports Complex is currently at capacity with its scheduled tournaments. The owners claim that it could host additional tournaments and youth sport events, or expand existing tournaments, with the second facility.
The Douglas County board of commissioners passed the resolution to submit the joint application to the state on June 25th. The county would enter into an agreement with Nebraska Elite Volleyball to partner in an application to the State of Nebraska for turnback taxes under the Sports Arena Facility Financing Assistance Act. Under the Act, owners of a qualifying sports complex project can receive a portion of sales taxes collected from retailers within 600 yards of the project as a turnback to help the project for 10 years after it is completed.
Generally, developers have partnered with cities to apply for similar turnback taxes. However, Douglas County has the territorial authority over this project because the location is outside the City of Omaha’s jurisdiction. Under the potential agreement, Douglas County would agree to a 10-year lease to allow the public to use the facility on weekdays.
Under the agreement, Douglas County would agree to a 10-year lease to allow the public to use the facility on weekdays during the hours of 8 AM to 4 PM.
Seventy percent of qualified sales taxes would pay for the rental fees, which would include administrative costs the County would incur to administer the turnback taxes. Excess turnback taxes could be applied to the promotion of sports in the community, including youth scholarships.
The application is on a strict timetable as the owners intents to capture the sales taxes from the new Costco across from 180th Street that opened July 12th. Under the Act, sales taxes may be collected from developments completed 24 months before and 48 months after the qualifying project.