The temporary Market-to-Midtown Bikeway on Harney Street will close after Labor Day as utility companies begin construction related to the Omaha streetcar, according to the City of Omaha.
The bikeway pilot project ended in 2022, but it remained open after a donor offered to pay for operations and maintenance until streetcar construction started. It will close Tuesday, September 3rd. Removal of the bikeway will take about one week.
“The initial Market-to-Midtown Bikeway pilot provided important information that we are using now to design and build the permanent, better bikeway,” Omaha Mayor Jean Stothert said.
The new permanent protected bikeway will utilize both Farnam and Harney streets, connecting across 17th Street. The two-way path will be built on the south side of Farnam from Turner Boulevard to 17th Street, cross 17th Street on the west side of the street, and continue east to 10th Street on the north side of Harney. The bikeway will be on the opposite side of the street from the streetcar tracks.
Design is underway, in coordination with the streetcar, to create the first multi-modal transit corridor that includes a protected bikeway, streetcar, busses, traffic lanes, sidewalks and parking. Plans include medians and buffers and aesthetic enhancements including landscaping, wayfinding and public art.
The permanent protected bikeway is currently funded through a combination of public and philanthropic dollars. The proposed City of Omaha 2025-2030 Capital Improvement Plan includes $7.6 million for the bikeway with an estimated completion date of 2028.
“Much like The RiverFront parks that were closed for several years during construction, major projects require careful planning and take time to complete,” Stothert said. “Creating the city’s first truly multi-modal corridor will also take time. Construction will be phased in coordination with construction of the streetcar. Our plan is to build and open a new bikeway as soon and as safely as possible.”
A public meeting about the project will take place on a yet-to-be-announced date next year.