Presence film review featured image

‘Presence’ is an Effective Family Drama Told From a Ghost’s Perspective

Reviewed by Chris Corey
February 4, 2025


★ ★ ★ ½

‘Presence’ is a story about a ghost that lives in a house and follows members of a family. It’s fair to say the ghost is the main character, because the one and only camera angle is always from its perspective. As such, we get a fly-on-the-wall perspective as the family navigates marital struggles, teenage dilemmas, day-to-day life and grief.

As the story begins, the family makes an offer on the home. The mother, Rebekah (Lucy Liu) was the deciding factor in making the offer. The dad, Chris (Chris Sullivan), and teenagers Tyler (Eddy Maday) and Chloe (Callina Liang) go along with her decision. Rebekah wants Tyler to be at a school known for sports.

A real estate agent shows the house to the family

A real estate agent shows the house
© 2025 NEON

The ghost seems to take a special interest in Chloe. It often hangs out in her closet, but we never get a sense the presence has any ill intention. It seems to be protective of her – especially when new boyfriend Ryan (West Mulholland) is around.

At first, Ryan seems like a decent boyfriend, not wanting to pressure Chloe into anything she doesn’t want to do when the parents aren’t home. The ghost might know something about Ryan that we don’t as it interrupts their first make-out session by knocking an entire closet shelf down.

Callina Liang as Chloe

Callina Liang as Chloe
© 2025 NEON

The ghost’s attraction to Chloe may also be because of her grief. At the start of the film, we learn her best friend died tragically. It’s one of the reasons the family moved. Chloe also senses the presence, at times acutely aware of it.

This film keeps the story simple and tells it well. It makes full use of its sub-90-minute runtime.

Lucy Liu as Rebekah

Lucy Liu as Rebekah
© 2025 NEON

Audiences expecting a scary thrill ride will be disappointed as this movie is not at all scary. The motivation behind the presence is more heartwarming than anything. That completely counters the dark, terrifying tone set by the trailer.

The dynamic within the family works very well. Many of us should relate to them at some level. I thought the one camera angle gimmick would get tiresome and annoying at first, but I quickly found it enhanced the film’s simplicity. I can’t imagine this film being shot any other way.

If you’re looking for a good ghost story that’s not scary, this is the film for you.

Rated: R for violence, drug material, language, sexuality and teen drinking.
Running Time: 1h 25m
Directed by: Steven Soderbergh
Written by: David Koepp
Starring: Lucy Liu, Callina Liang, Chris Sullivan, Eddy Maday, West Mulholland, Julia Fox, Natalie Woolams-Torres, Lucas Papaelias

Horror, Mystery & Thriller

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